Report Work Accident Measurement 2023
31-Jan-21 30-Oct-23 89713

K3 Policy Commitment, Drug and Alcohol Use

Grha Prima Agung

We, PT. Grha Prima Agung as a company operating in the construction sector, telecommunications, and procurement we have a strong commitment to enforcing the K3 Policy which contains health and safety procedures for employees, consultants, work partners and subcontractor, We are also PT. Grha Prima Agung is very attentive, especially to matters relating to matters with narcotics and illegal drugs. For this reason, the Company does not provide tolerance towards employees, consultants, work partners and subcontractors if known individuals or groups act outside the K3 rules that have been determined and regulated in Legislation and other regulations. And if a party is found working with our company as a seller, distributor and user of drugs, alcohol while in the Company's work area, including being under the influence of alcohol during working hours We will act firmly in accordance with applicable legal regulations.

To achieve this goal, PT. Grha Prima Agung is committed to:
Monitor and organize the enforcement of our K3 and Environmental Procedures arrange it, and we carry it out in all work processes that the company carries out.
Manage company business risks and potential dangers related to work activities at the location work to prevent incidents from occurring to workers, assets (physical & data), the environment, social and corporate reputation.
Guarantee that all workers, partners and subcontractors will not use alcohol and drugs while working in the company.
Comply with all applicable government laws and regulations other requirements relating to K3L, prevention of drug use, and alcohol which can threaten worker safety.
Carry out synergy and communication with all parties (stakeholders). relevant regarding K3L aspects, the dangers of drug and alcohol use. To support business management and operational activities with an K3L perspective.
Communicate Company Policy regarding drug and alcohol use towards all workers, consultants, work partners and subcontractors.
Carry out random inspections so that there are no workers or all parties under the control of companies involved in drug and alcohol abuse.
Comply with applicable regulations and requirements related to safety and health aspects Work and Environment in the Company's business management and operational activities in work location.
Ensure that every worker and work partner is fit to work. Increase awareness and competency of K3 and Environmental aspects among Workers, & Partners work continuously, and apply sustainable technology through K3L work facilities and infrastructure in accordance with overall standards and integrated.
Increase awareness and competency of K3 and Environmental aspects among Workers, & Partners work continuously, and apply sustainable technology through K3L work facilities and infrastructure in accordance with overall standards and integrated.
Carry out continuous improvements to the K3 and Environmental Management System to prevent work accidents, environmental maintenance, use drugs and alcohol during the work process.
Building and maintaining a Health Safety Management System, and Sustainable Work Environment and relevant resources.
Carry out routine monitoring and inspection of labor conditions, home base, and the environment of all workshops and company work locations.
To realize our commitment, the Directors, Management, Employees and Working Partners of PT. Grha Prima Agung is responsible for ensuring the implementation of this policy in accordance with the regulations GPA (Good Corporate, Compliant & Adaptive) and upholding Life Saving Rules.
Jakarta, 25 October 2023

Slamet Agung Wicaksono
President Director